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The McIains/McKeans/McKeens/MacKeens are a sept of the clan MacDonald of Glencoe. In Scotland, "Iain" means "John" and "mac/mc" means "son of", so the sept is known as the "son of John".
The progenitor of the McIains was Iain Sprangach who died in 1338. He was the son of Angus Mor, Lord of Islay and the grandson of Donald, Lord of Islay from whom clan Donald takes its name. The branch of the McDonalds of Glencoe was called MacIain after the progenitor. This branch held the lands of the Lordship of the Isles until 1493 when they became feudal vassals of the Stewarts of Appin. During the minority of Mary, Queen of Scots, an Earl of Argyll eyed the MacDonald lands and so secured the rights. Thus, William McKean, the first documented McKean of the line, was born in Argyleshire, Scotland.
The McIains of Glencoe were a brawny race..."large bodied, stout, subtle, active, and patient of cold and hunger". Ever ready and proud of their fighting ability, no protective castle was ever built. [SOURCE: "Scottish Clans and Tartans"' Ian Grimble, Hamylm].
William McKean born circa 1615 Argyleshire was a farmer and covenator, a follower of the teachings of John Knox. He was first documented during the Military Tribunal inquest into the 1679 murder of Archbishop Sharp in Scotland. William, being canny, skirted direct anwers to the questions and was not convicted. Charles I insisted all his subjects join the Church of England and sent troops to annihilate the Covenantors. William and his family (and family of David Cargill) escaped to the glens of Antrim in Northern Ireland where land was available for the Scotch and English to settle.
William McKean and his family took part in the famous seige of Londonderry, Ireland. The inhabitants believed the catholics loyal to James II were going to massacre those who backed protestant William of Orange. The city closed its gates on December 7, 1688 and the seige began April 1689. Inside were 30,000 inhabitants who were starving by July, 28, 1689 when the British in ships on the Foyle broke through the barriers and ended the seige. James II was defeated in 1691 and replaced by William of Orange. [SOURCE: "Ireland, a History", Robert Lee, Little Brown & Co.].
Due to continuing political, religious and economic hardships, the Scotch (who never really mingled with the Irish) looked for better opportunities elsewhere, usually through the efforts of the ministers. In 1827 a group headed by the Rev. James McGregor, James and John McKean, their families and others prepared to set sail for America in five ships. John McKean died just before embarkation and his widow Janet and four children made the journey with her brother-in-law Justice James McKean. The company arrived in Boston MA August 1718 and the boat with McKeans and McGregors sailed on to Casco Bay (now Portland) where they spent the winter of 1718-1719 on shipboard, almost starving. In May 1719 they removed to Nutfield (now Londonderry NH) near Haverfield where land had been acquired. [SOURCE: "Scotch Irish Pioneers in Ulster and America", Charles Bolton, Baltimore 1967].
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