Hall Blackwood Saunders MacKeen
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 #   Notes   Linked to 
1 Section 1, Lot 8, Grave 1S2 CLARK, Isabella (I3543)
2 died young giving birth to stillborn child...
Parish records of her death give her occupation as "storekeeper".
Arnold spells her name Adriann, but Parish records of her Baptism give it as Andrea Ann McNaughton. Parish records also give her birthday a year earlier than Arnold's records.

MCNAUGHTON, Andrea Ann (I128)
3 Range 14, Lot #12 SAUNDERS, Lydia Hazel (I453)
4 " a staunch supporter, caretaker, trustee and manager of the Presbyterian church, he leaves a widow and 2 grown sons" Presbyterian Witness MCKEEN, Charles (I779)
5 " in the 25th year of his age, much lamented" - NovaScotian MCKEEN, Adam (I664)
6 "Agnes's son was Donald Oliver - he lived in Montreal and in those days thought he was God's gift to women. One time when we were at the cottage he asked if I would go to a dance across the lake with him. He came down the dock in his sharp clothes to impress the natives on the other side. He helped me in to the canoe and when he stepped in he missed and came up spluttering to great shouts from the people on the dock. He decided that he would look after Beth - which he did and everyone was grateful. When she died she left her considerable estate to Donald as she had no children." Source: Eleanor (Blackwood) Hall OLIVER, Donald Blackwood (I17)
7 "Aunt Hazel announced to everyone that she was born on the 8th hour of the 8th day of the 8th month in 1888 and she wanted a big party. So everyone in Athelstan and all of the relatives were invited. The town got together and set it up behind the Saunder's home. Bill was M.C. and was very funny. It was a warm sunny day and a great celebration. No one knew the hour but everyone knew that she was born in 1889." Source: Eleanor Blackwood [Hall] SAUNDERS, Lydia Hazel (I453)
8 "In 1805, James Fisher together with his two sons, Willaim and David, moved to St. Mary's Dist. Here they bought a very large tract of land extending from Stopper Rock to the Falls on the St. Mary's River and it included what is now the town of Sherbrooke. Later they found a mill site more to their liking 16 miles further upriver, at what is known as Fisher's Mills" MacLean and Fisher Family Ancestors Descendants and Related Families 2001 FISHER, David (I370)
9 "On March 3, 1910 Agnes Craik Blackwood married a dentist Alfred Hunter Oliver in Montreal, Quebec. They bought a suite in downtown Montreal (Cote des Neiges) on a second floor and set up one half as living quarters and the room facing the street as an office for the dental practice. Soon he placed a sign in the window "Dr. Oliver - painless dentist". People flocked to him and when he had sufficient money they would close the office and travel until their resources were low. On their return he would place his sign in the window. They followed this routine for a few years.
I visited them in 1945 at the end of the war. In the evening instead of a snack Agnes would set the table and serve a full course meal. At that time Dr. Oliver was so heavy that he put on a support before getting out of bed.
While I was there he checked my teeth and I remember having three cavities. Agnes placed a mask over my face and I counted while she delivered N2O - nitrous oxide. Her only training was reading manuals - but during his practice they had no adverse reactions. I had no recollection of anything when they finished - it was a delightful session in a dentist chair.
Dr. Oliver was not well at that time (very obese forever) and he died in 1950."
Notes by Eleanor Blackwood [Hall] March 2003 
OLIVER, Dr. Alfred Hunter (I70)
10 "Patton, Evelyn M. The daughter of Albert J. Austin and Lillian Peck Austin. Survivors include her son, George H. Patton and his wife, Michele M. Patton of Shohola, Pa.; two grandsons, Todd E. Patton, D.D.S. and Sean H. Patton; one granddaughter, Lisa M. Ferrier; three great-grandsons; two nieces, Marilyn L. Brannan and husband, Thomas F. Brannan, P.E., L.S. of Middletown, and Anne H. Cross and husband, L. Wallace Cross of Poughkeepsie, N.Y.; one nephew, Roy B. Hopkins and wife, Linda Hopkins of Summitville; and several great-nieces and great-nephews.  AUSTIN, Evelyn Mable (I1994)
11 "She came to Mabou from Middle River, Pictou, 56 years ago, she was a communicant at greenhill, and identified with the Presbyterian cong. at Mabou. 4 sons, 5 daugs., survive, all are settled in homes of their own" Obit in Presbyterian Witness ARCHIBALD, Hannah Blanchard (I713)
12 "They lived on the old place at Fisher's Mills and raised their family there." MacLean and Fisher Family Ancestors Descendants and Related Families 2001 FISHER, John (I680)
13 "They raised their family between the St. Mary's and the branch, where they cleared a large farm." MacLean and Fisher Family Ancestors Descendants and Related Families 2001 FISHER, Alexander (I315)
14 "William, the eldest son of John and Martha McKEEN, was born in 1745. He was married to Ann, the second daughter of David ARCHIBALD, Esq., and Elizabeth ELLIOTT, October 3rd, 1771. He sold out his property in the Village about the year 1780, and purchased the Mill site and Mills which were owned by Alexander MILLER and Capt. John MORRISON. Here he resided and carried on Milling until the spring of the year 1815. He then sold out in Truro to Mr. John McDOUGALL, and removed to Musquodoboit, where he continued a number of years. He died there in 1826 - no cemetery marker exists. His wife was deprived of her sight for a number of years before they left Truro. She died at Mabou, Cape Breton, in the house of her son Samuel in 1836, aged 84 years."
SOURCE Miller Record of Colchester

Moved to NS with his parents in 1760

Note as shown in Photo section:
William McKeen Esquire of Truro, the Bearer hereof who has for many years resided within the District of Colchester under the established character of an honest and industrious man, has been lately deprived of his eldest son, his chief support, who has during the last season (impressed) on board His Majesty's Ship Cleopatra. The only remaining support for the Bearer and an aged and infirm wife, with a (helpless) family, were a Saw Mill and Grist Mill in Truro which were both unfortunately destroyed by fire on the (30th) day of October last. By the reason of the loss of his son's assistance and the unfortunate destruction of his Mills, he is reluctantly obliged to (apply) (?) this last recourse to the (friends) of Humanity.
Truro November 3rd, 1803
The (?) Trustees of the Peace for the County of Halifax certify the above statement to be true.
Matthew Archibald
James Archibald
Dear William
The above is a copy of a (?) of (?) to the (?) written Mr. (McK?) friend. Advise him to find (?) Halifax (?) it is (?) to (?) it (?) hard you will oblige me to write it upon a full (?) of (?)
M Archibald
Nov 28th, 1805
From the Papers of Israel Longworth, lawyer and historian in Truro c. 1850-1902 (originals at Mount Allison University)
MCKEEN, William (I220)
15 # ID: I1698
# Name: David CRAIK
# Sex: M
# Birth: 2 Jun 1751
# Note:

David had four sons, all stone masons, William, Andrew, David and Robert, who all left Greenock for Canada in 1819. The family lived at Crichton Castle, a quarry town near Edinburgh.
There is also information about a son, John, for whom there appears to be no additional information. It is assumed that he remained in Scotland, as is likely also true for his sister Agnes.
CRAIK, David (I1777)
16 002945-97 (Brant Co) Herbert FISHER, 23, brick layer, Brantford, same, s/o Charles FISHER & Emma HALL, married Carrie SLOAN, 21, Scotland Ont., Brantford , d/o William SLOAN & Jane DURHAM, witn: Sadie FISHER of Brantford & Mary COCKBURN of Paris, 20 Mar 1897 at Paris.
Family: Herbert FISHER / Carolyn SLOAN (F556)
17 003620-01 ( Brant Co) Frank PARSON , 26 , tailor , Otterville , Manitoba , s/o George J. PARSON & Jemima Victoria WATTS , married May HALL , 24 , Brantford , same , d/o George W. HALL & Isabella SMITH , witn: A.E . PARSON of Snowflake Manitoba & Emma HALL of Brantford , 31 July 1901 at Brantford Family: Frank PARSON / May HALL (F032)
18 011540-92 George BLACKWOOD, 34, Farmer, Franklin Que, Franklin Que, s/o John BLACKWOOD & Anne STEELE; married Jennie Grace McDERMID, 28, Charlottenburgh, Charlottenburgh, d/o Dermid McDERMID & Janet McDOUGALL; witn David McDERMID & Cassie McDERMID, both Martintown, 28 Sept 1892, Maxville Family: George BLACKWOOD / Janet Grace MCDERMID (F055)
19 09-20-1941 Mary Leone Hutton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. V. B. Hutton, of Vancouver BC, married William Saunders Blackwood, RCAF, of Rivers, Manitoba. At St. Stephen's Church, in Calgary Alberta. Family: William Saunders BLACKWOOD / Mary Leone HUTTON (F012)
20 1 son
2 daughters 
MCKEEN, Susan (I610)
21 1 son MCKEEN, Maria (I635)
22 12-28-1904 Rev. Robert Wallace Dalgliesh, of Caretaire, Alberta, married Violent Isabel Main, daughter of J. W. Main, of Brampton, Ont.. In Grace Church, Brampton Ont., by Rev.R.N. Burns. Huntingdon Gleaner Family: Rev. Robert Wallace DALGLIESH / Violet Isobel MAIN (F464)
23 13 children listed in Mabou Pioneer II page 503 MACKEEN, Jane Elizabeth (I1449)
24 14 children EYESTONE, Alice (I2813)
25 15 children DICKSON, Elizabeth (I1595)
26 15147-05 (Oxford Co) John David HALL , 29, salesman, Brantford, same, s/o Walter HALL & Jeanette DRYSDALE, married Helen BLACKBURN, 28, Woodstock, same, d/o Joseph BLACKBURN & Mary Elizabeth LOVERING , witn: D.W. DINGWALL of East Zorra & Minnie E. HALL of Brantford, 5 April 1905 at Woodstock  Family: John David HALL / Helen BLACKBURN (F088)
27 1861 Census says Birth date 1796 HALL, Joshua (I1683)
28 1880 Poweshiek County History
Lincoln Township-- Saunders, James A.-- Section 33, P.O. Deep River. His ancestors, on both sides, were, remotely, from Scotland, but settled many years ago near Belfast, Ireland. They were of the class of people known as the "Scotch Presbyterian Descendants." His father, Robert Saunders, was born August 23, 1806, near Belfast, Ireland, where he was raised and educated, followed his trade as weaver, and married. He immigrated with his wife and two children to Canada in 1840; where, for the next thirteen years, he farmed in summer and worked at his trade during the winter. He then moved to Morrow county, Ohio, where he farmed until the spring of 1869, when he immigrated to this county; his wife having died February 14, 1869, he came out alone. He is now making his home with his son James, with whom he has lived ever since the death of his wife. The subject of this sketch was born September 10, 1841 in Beauharnais, Lower Canada. When twelve years old he moved with his father to Ohio, where he was raised on a farm and educated. He preceded his father to this county one year, and engaged in the mercantile business at Dresden with Mr. Jesse Axtell, at which he continued for three years. He then sold out to his partner and bought his present place. Mr. Saunders married in Dresden, December 22, 1870, Miss Martha E. Sanders, daughter of George E. Sanders. She was born September 13, 1850, in Harrison county, Ohio. This lady bore him: Elmer Warren (Born November 27, 1872; died May 12, 1877). He re-married in Montezuma, November 27, 1878, Mrs. C. P. Churchill, whose maiden name was Mary Adell; she was born in Delaware county, Ohio, December 3, 1846. She has one child by her first husband: William Lorain (born November 24, 1872). The fruit of this union is one child: Josie Alma (born July 10, 1880). Mr. Saunders owns 320 acres of excellent farming land, besides five acres of timber. His farm is in good condition, well stocked and unembarrassed. He is at present entering into preparations for extensive sheep raising. He is a member of the Board of County Supervisors, and takes an active interest in local and general politics. He is very popular, and a gentleman of remarkable force of character and broad influence. 
SAUNDERS, James Allison (I2293)
29 1881 Canadian Census puts John at 40, which would put birthday in 1841
Served in 1866 Rockburn I Co. during Fenian Raids, received medal 
30 1881 Canadian Census shows Elizabeth as 27, which would put birthday as 1854
Minister at baptism was Henry Lancashire

1911 Census calls her Elisebith! 
BLACKWOOD, Elizabeth (I61)
31 1881 Canadian Census shows family name as Bennie BENVIE, Peter Hutchinson (I276)
32 1901 Census says 1842, but baptism records suggest 1841 CLARK, Isabella (I1869)
33 1901 Census shows mother tonque as Gaelic MCDERMID, Janet Grace (I105)
34 1910 census, Westminister, Windham, Vermont living with his 61 year old mother. He was single.
1918, September 12 World War I draft registration card (information on ancestry.com), Windham, Vermont, 34 years old, machinist, listed as married
1920 census Westminister, Windham, Vermont, married and 1 daughter who was 6
1930 census, wife Susan P. or B., daughter Sherley, springfield, Windsor, Vermont
1942, April 7...World War II registration, 58 years old, address 3 Summer St., Springfield, Windsor, Vermont, living with wife, employee at Fellouts Gear Shaper Co. 
CLARK, Henry Edgar (I1961)
35 1916 Oct 16 - Chicago Daily News
LYON, MARTHA J. Oct 15, 1916, wife of H. H. Lyon, 1340 E. 72nd Street. Born in Quebec, Canada. Funeral on Thursday, Oct. 17 at 3 PM & burial at Oakwood Cemetery.
It is our melancholy duty to chronicle the death of Mrs. H. H. LYON, who with her husband, has been for many years a resident of the Southern district of Chicago, residing at 1349 East 72nd Street. She was born in Franklin Centre, Province of Quebec, Canada, on January 6, 1848, the daughter of Colonel ALEXANDER and Mrs. BLACKWOOD. In 1870 she went to Boston, Mass., for the purpose of being trained as a nurse and entered the Boston City Hospital from which she graduated in 1876, in the first class of trained nurses prepared in that institution. Afterward she became the matron of a private hospital in the city where she remained for three years. While there she met Dr. H. H. LYON a Scotch physician from Edinburgh, Scotland, whom she afterward married previous to her coming with him to Chicago. That city has since been the center of her many and varied activities, and wherever she has gone with her husband she has made many and loyal friends by her kindly disposition and ever ready and unselfish helpfulness. In all the various places where they have resided for a time she was always identified with the religious and social work of the community in which she took an active part and through which she contributed of her best towards the social and moral betterment of humanity. Many of her friends in Unionville will remember how kindly and loyal she was in her friendship and how interested in everything which made for the common good. In Chicago she was for many years a member of the Arche Club and belonged to the Prince of Wales Chapter of the Daughters of the British Empire. She was always interested and prominent in her varied church and social activities, until her health failed about one year ago.
During her weakness and sickness she manifested those qualities of patience and submission which might be expected from a true and sincere Christian. About two weeks ago she was stricken with paralysis and three days before her death pneumonia developed and mercifully ended her sufferings. She was laid away in her last resting place in Oakwood Cemetery on Tuesday, the 17th, the funeral service being conducted by Rev. Dr. Jardine of this city. The members of the Presbyterian church of which Dr. Jardine was the pastor when Dr. & Mrs. Lyon resided here, extended to the bereaved husband their kindly sympathy in this hour of sorrow. 
BLACKWOOD, Martha Jane (I60)
36 1924 Dec 30 ... Death Certificate ... Cook co. Illinois. #6032683---
Obituary - Chicago Daily Tribune, Thursday, January 1,
Dr. Alexander Leslie Blackwood, 62 years old, former vice president of the board of education, died of a complication of diseases Tuesday afternoon in South Chicago hospital. His residence had been at 7820 South Shore Drive.
Dr. Blackwood was born July 28, 1862, near Quebec, Canada. After an extensive education he became a practicing surgeon in Chicago and a member of the Chicago Medical society, the Illinois Medical society, the Illinois State Homeopathic society, the Institute Homeopathy, and the Chicago Press Club.
He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Sylva Bell Blackwood, two sons, Dr. Leslie & Howard Blackwood; two sisters, Ida & Florence Blackwood; and three brothers, William, James & Robert. Dr. Blackwood was a Prof. in the Hahnemann Medical college & author of several medical books.
from Who?s Who, pg. 20.
... Sr. Prof. materia medica and prof. clin. medicine, Hahnemann Med. College, Chicago. Author of ?Diseases of the Heart?, 1901
?Diseases of the Lungs?, 1902
?A Manual of Materia Medica, Therapeutics & Pharmacology?, 1906
?Pancreas and Ductless Glands?, 1907--- 
BLACKWOOD, Dr. Alexander Leslie (I180)
37 1930 May 24 - The Huntington Gleaner
Dudley R. Welch, D. D. S., formerly of Franklin Center, and eldest son of George Welch of Ormstown PQ, died suddenly in Chicago IL, age 53 years 10 months.
1930. OBITUARY, "Chicago Tribune"
Dudley R. Welsh, beloved husband of Gertrude L., fond father of Elizabeth L. Ingerle, Martha G., Allen D., Robert L., Ann Y., and William B. Welsh, at residence 830 East 52nd St. Member of Chicago Dental Society. Services 2 pm Tuesday at St. James Methodist Episcopal Church, 46th St. and Ellis Avenue. Under the auspices of Mystic Star Lodge No. 758 A.F. & A.M. Interment Mt. Hope.
1930 ... undated & unidentified clipping
The sudden death of Dr. Dudley R. Welch, 830 E. 52nd street, widely known dentist with offices at 841 E. 63rd street, was a shock to many friends throughtout the state as well as in Canada. He was a native of Franklin, Quebec, where he was born 53 years ago, and had practiced in Chicago since 1902. He was popular in Masonic circles, and the funeral services were under the auspices of Mystic Star Lodge, A. F. & M., burial being at Mount Hope. Mrs. Welch is well known as the state president of the Daughters of the British Empire. 
WELCH, Dr. Dudley Robinson (I793)
38 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. HADLEY, D. (I1608)
39 2 sons
1 daughter 
Family: William TAYLOR / Hannah RYDER (F954)
40 2 sons
2 daughters 
MCKEEN, Rachel (I616)
41 2 sons
3 daughters
moved to the USA 
ARCHIBALD, Eleanor (I800)
42 2 sons
7 daughters 
SMITH, Rebecca (I606)
43 2 sons MCKEEN, Drucilla J. (I658)
44 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. SCHLATTER, E.P. (I1314)
45 3 daughters BRINLEY, Joanna (I1485)
46 3 sons
1 daughter 
MCKEEN, Margaret (I634)
47 3 sons
3 daughters 
MCKEEN, Martha (I621)
48 3 sons
6 daughters 
MCKEEN, William (I574)
49 3 sons
8 daughters 
MCKEEN, Isabell Thomson (I577)
50 3 sons 2 daughters BLACKWOOD, Barbara (I54)

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